Crest Homes |
Consumer Report Rates Crest Homes
Crest Homes is the modular division of Schult Homes Corporation, which is the Nation's oldest HUD-code manufacturer, building since 1934. They have two plants building modular homes. The Indiana plant delivers homes to; Iowa, Missouri and Arkansas (in the west and the south) and Kentucky, Ohio and Wisconsin (in the east and north.) The Pennsylvania plant delivers homes in all the Northeastern states and going south into the state of North Carolina. They are building basically the same homes out of both plants including Ranch, two-story, Cape Cod as well as multi-family housing including duplexes and town houses. They, like the majority of modular home manufactures sell their homes through a network of dealer/builders. In 1998, Oakwood Homes of Greensboro, North Carolina acquired Crest. Oakwood is the nation’s third largest manufacturer and is traded on the New York Stock Exchange under the symbol OH. Crest seems to be building a quality home however they seem to be limited primarily to existing floor plans and don’t offer a complete custom design home. Marlette, a manufactured home builder is also a division of Schult Home and has long been considered a premier builder.