modular homes network


modular builder


Can I purchase a modular home factory-direct? The answer is YES. You can buy direct from a true modular or panelized home factory. Now, if you’re considering manufactured home, on-frame or off-frame you will have to purchase through a dealer, it’s a federal law. But with true modular (off-frame), or UBC homes, panelized homes or log homes you can buy direct. There are only a few manufacturers that allow home buyers to buy direct and some use it as a selling point. There are other manufacturers that have decided not to sell to the public and you have to select a qualified builder or contractor to have your home installed. You can save some serious money if you buy factory-direct bypassing the middleman, the (builder). On average one can save 10% to 30% but this depends on how much time you spend and the amount of work you plan to do.

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